I was so excited when our church reached out to me to ask if I would be interested in creating artwork for an installation on their art wall in the main lobby. The artwork would be up in time for the start of Advent and be displayed for several months. After reading over the theme “how our invitation into God’s kingdom changes us” and doing some planning, I decided to ask if I could bring my husband Ben in to make it a collaboration! I thought it would be so fun to work on a project this scale together and also what better way to demonstrate the body of Christ then by having two married artists create together.

The installation consists of three 48x24 inch gallery wrapped canvases framed in a simplistic and modern gold leaf floater frame. The installation is centered around how our invitation into God’s kingdom changes us both individually and collectively. The highly colorful, gestural, abstract compositions reflect the freedom felt in being able to create art. For me, the process of creating is very much about the process, which is so similar to the renewal of the mind described in Romans 12:2. "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will."
The highly textural loose brushstrokes contrasted with the precise meaningful freehand typography created by Ben is a visual encouragement and reminder of this process. Each layer tells a story and adds to the transformation. The transformation is illustrated by the repetitive overlay of phrases “you are the body of Christ” and “be transformed by the renewing of your mind” taken from scripture. The typography shows the unique ways transformation occurs through the varying weights, sizes, volumes, and boldness of the type. Being part of the body of Christ is not a one size fits all.

If you are interested in seeing it in person, check it out at the Herndon campus of Summit Church. -HBR
Artists: Hannah B. Rupp & Ben Rupp
Title: “Transformed”
Medium: Acrylic Paint on Canvas